Thursday, December 3, 2009
See ya later...
Goodbye my fellow classmates and friends! I am so glad I had the chance to enjoy this semester with each and every one of you! The really great part about this is that we are all connected through blogger and if you miss me too much or if I miss you we're all just a comment away! Good luck in your future! I know you will all be very successful!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
To Sum It Up...
Think about the many things we covered in class: blogs, wikis, presentations, Google Docs,Google spreadsheets, Picasa, podcasts, videocasts, YouTube, posts you read, PLNs, Twitter, other teachers and students outside of our region, comments4kids, iTunes, iTunesU, accessibility issues and the use of html tag modifiers to address some of those issues, who you are as a professional, Google forms, data bases, Google Earth, Delicious, ACCESS, ALEX, Foliotek, technological literacy, the future of schools, your "intellectual trail". Did I miss anything? Take each of these and consider what you learned and how or if it may or will be useful to you as a
teacher. and as an individual in this "modern age." List what you learned and comment about it if appropriate. List as many things as you can think of. If you did not learn anything from this class, say so. I hope, however, that was not the case.
I am pretty sure that you covered every single topic. I almost get confused just reading the list and trying to remember every single thing. I learned so much from this class. I think that it is hard to put into words but I know that when I need to I can go back and access so many different resources. One thing that is really convenient for me as a student is Google docs. It is extremely easy to work with a group on a project without having to waste so much time with scheduling conflicts. I really like it because every person can edit it and add to it and send it right back to everybody else with a click of a mouse. One other thing that I took special interest in is ALEX. I know for a fact I will access this website when I become a teacher. It provides so many different resources very accessibly to teachers. Lesson plans are only a click away. It's great!
Are there things you would like to have learned in this class but did not?
No there is not. I learned way past what I was expecting.
Are there things you learned in this class but wish you had not (and you will try and forget them or not use them as soon as possible)?
There were things I was less interested in, but there is not anything I wish I had not learned.
Did this class excite you in any way? I mean excite, as opposed to "was useful" or "was interesting" or "I did it"? If No, say that. If Yes, tell me what excited you, why, and how.
This class did not excite me. I do feel that I learned some very useful things in this class, but excitement was not an emotion I ever recall feeling.
Did you find anything in this class to be particularly "intellectually challenging"? If so, what? Why do you think it was "intellectually challenging"?
I did not fully understand the PLN. Twitter confuses me beyond belief. I just do not understand it all. I follow my mom on Twitter and can't even find her. So yes I would have to say Twitter is intellectually challenging for me.
Were you bored by this class at any time? If so, what bored you and how might that be
In class time was very boring. I feel like we had so much to do and we just wasted class time. I think that if we actually spent an entire class working on the professional blogs together, or spent class time commenting on the same classes blogs that it would be more beneficial.
Would you change this course in any way (add things/delete things or anything else)? If so,give me your suggestions. Since I am always changing this course I could use your input!
I would make things a little more clearer. Like having one list that says what is due and when, with the instructions immediately after. I feel like to figure something out you have to click on a million different links. It seems a little unorganized and extremely confusing.
Are you Technologically Literate at the moment? To what extent? Low Some Medium Good
I would say that I am medium when it comes to being technologically literate. I feel like I have learned a lot in this class and it puts me above many people that have not had this experience.
How will you maintain or improve your technological literacy between now and the time you graduate? … the time you start teaching?
I will continue to use programs such as Google docs, Skype, Twitter, Podcasts, and many of the search options shown to us in class. There are many resources available to students online. As a teacher I hope to use many resources like Smartboards, and ALEX. I will stay up to date with new technological discoveries as well. It always helps to keep your eyes open
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Project 11
For Project 11 my group and I created a video about Geocaching and how it can be useful in a student's educational experience. We used Windows Movie Maker to make the video. Windows Movie Maker has many possibilities! For our video, we were able to combine an interview, a voice over, and several still slides.
To watch our video CLICK HERE
Friday, November 27, 2009
My Personal Learning Network is nowhere near what I would dream of it being. Of course I use Facebook on a daily basis, but that is just to keep up with my friends and is for social reasons only. I have only just now become aware of the intellectual trail I am leaving behind, and the fact that it can be Googled! However, mostly through assignments in Dr. Strange's class I have started to expand my PLN. I can safely say that my PLN consists of Dr. Strange, Miss Lavakula and Room 10@Pt England School, LaNadia Patrick, Susan Morgan, Dillion Rogers, Emily Carlson and Samantha Sunderman.
Through assignments in Dr. Strange's class I have been able to contact teachers all the way on the other side of the world. They have left me comments and advice and have given me encouraging words on becoming a teacher. I think that it is great to get this kind of support from people that know nothing about me. As a teacher I would love to grow my PLN so that I can have a huge support system for when my lesson does not go as planned
Sunday, November 22, 2009
ACCESS really means Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide. This is a program whose goal is to provide equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning. What this means is that no matter your economic standing, social status, school district or any other meaningless event, all students in the state of Alabama can have access to a better education. With this program any and all students in the state of Alabama can log on and do actual work on this site. They also have the option to use video conference. Programs such as access really raise the bar in achievement levels.
I think that this is a really great idea. I think it is very important that teachers do whatever they can to raise the bar. This program shows how much teachers care about their students and what great links they will go to so that their students can succeed.
For more information CLICK HERE
Saturday, November 21, 2009
ALEX is the Alabama Learning Exchange created by the Alabama Department of Education. It is an online website containing useful information to current and future teachers at all grade levels, as well as students. It provides teacher and student resources in all areas including: lesson plans, tips for helping specific types of students, handouts, worksheets, personal workspace, professional learning and many other helpful resources. For students it provides an alternative academic search engine. It also gives students extra practice and alternative learning methods in subject areas they are having difficulty in. All of this is just a click away, accessible to absolutely anyone who is interested in the content matter, and it is completely free.
I think ALEX is one of the best things out there. I know as a future teacher I have so many questions and will still have questions all throughout my teaching career. Websites such as ALEX will help me to become a much better educator. I have used this website as a student, and I am certain I will use it as a teacher. One other great thing about ALEX is that I will also make sure my future students take advantage of this great system as well.
For more information CLICK HERE
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dear Kaia
A father was having a little father/daughter time, when he changed her life. It started out as a relationship builder and turned into a life altering event; not only for his daughter, but for the world. Dr. Chamberlain's class came along a story published by a father for his daughter and the next thing that was happening was that the father was skyping the class. It happened so fast, and so easily all thanks to the World Wide Web.
Then, the next thing I know is that it is affecting not only my life, but everyone in Dr. Strange's class because we comment to Dr. Chamberlain's class. The only thought I can manage to get out straight is that "it's a small world after all". Even though with technology it all happens so fast and so easy, it is important not to forget the bigger picture. As a senior in college I can communicate with a three year old across the world. Even though it may be a lot more interesting for the three year old I am still fascinated. Of course there are privacy issues that come into play, but at the same time think of the window of opportunities that father is opening for his daughter. If all teachers could do this very same thing for all of their students, the educational experience would reach it's greatest limit
For more information CLICK HERE
New Media Literacies
I do agree with NML Staff's opinion on new media and being literate on the subject. They are accurate on how being knowledgeable in this subject matter creates not only skills for the classroom and the workplace, but life skills as well. I think that in the 21st century if you are not familiar with technology there are not many job options for you. I find it nearly impossible to believe that individuals can go a whole day without using some type of personal, technological device. I know for a fact that the literacy device I am most familiar with is multitasking. It is one of my biggest attributes. I am a full time college student and work two jobs that require me to know 4 different computer systems. Time management is nearly impossible and multitasking and technology make my life a whole lot easier.
The New Media Literacies Project was created to help the younger generation become more technologically advanced. Their mission is to raise public understanding about what it means to be literate in a technologically advanced, multicultural world. They define what it means to be a part of this generation, living in this technological world. It explains what it means to have a Facebook or Myspace and what you are really contributing to by using Google and Wikipedia.
It is important for everybody in the 21st century to be technologically literate. As a college student I can safely say that without computer/internet skills I would most likely fail. I think the same can be said for many K-12 students today. The NML project is pushing to further the younger generation's technological knowledge, and I think it is one of the greatest opportunities for younger children out there.
For more information CLICK HERE
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Networked Student
This video proves exactly what teachers just like Dr. Strange probably say everyday. Of course teachers want their students to be overachievers and go above and beyond what is asked of them; but how will students know what is above if they do not know what is the standard? I feel like I am a networked student. It is hard not to in this fast paced world we are now living in. I almost always think that I can just get the basics and go in and figure it our for myself and move on to the next thing. Although, this may sometimes work, I am still learning and still need guidance; just like every other student.
Being a networked student is not a bad thing. It is vital for students to be a part of their educational experience. Students control their learning more than their teachers do, but they still need teachers.
I think that as a future teacher the best thing I can do for my students is to make them want to learn. As long as the child is interested there are no limits as to what they can succeed. With all of the information that is available online for both students and teachers, there should be no problem finding something for everybody.
For more information CLICK HERE
This Is How We Dream...
Richard Miller presents a video about the future of multimedia and how it incorporates with education. He claims that the use of the internet effects everyone's lives on a daily basis. He also says that the use of the internet does change how we interact with the world around us. I completely agree. We do not have to wait 3-5 days to receive information through ground postage delivery anymore, nor is the only way we can see our loved ones who live far away through still photography. The internet has changed everything, including education.
I have to agree with others who say that multimedia expansion is no longer just a dream. I know from my own educational experiences that I would most likely fail college if I did not have access to the internet. This blog being the perfect example. I do think that I will be able to write with multimedia because I feel as though I am practically already there.
I think that as a future teacher I have a lot more knowledge about technology than most teachers that have already been in the field, mainly from this class, but also from all of my college classes. The majority of my teachers use powerpoints to present their topics, and many of my teachers allow assignments to be turned in via email. I am positive I will use these sources in my own classroom and that my students will be able to use multimedia as well. I do see technology spreading in more ways than it already has, but to say that it is not already happening and that it is still a dream is not accurate at all.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Did You Know? (4.0)
This video was very informative, yet a little disturbing at the same time. I think that the amount of text messages sent everyday is a little out of control. According to this video the average teenager sends over two thousand text messages a month! That has to mean they are spending half of their lives text messaging. That is a little much if you ask me. These days you do not have to talk to anyone at all anymore. I think the need for more public speaking classes is going to be a must.
I have to admit that I do text more than I talk on the phone. But, I know the importance of face to face communication too. I remember when I was just becoming a teenager I was allowed maybe an hour each night to talk on the phone. Now days every teenager has their own personal phone and can talk/text as much as they please. I think that with this new technology craze, teachers and parents need to stress the importance of face to face communication.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
iPods and Schools
When I think of iPods the only thought that comes to my mind is music. Come to find out iPods are way more advanced than that. Maybe it is because I have owned an ipod for a little over 4 years now and the only thing I have ever used it for was music. I am a huge fan of music and own probably around 500 CDs if not more. Owning an iPod is one of the best things that has ever happened to me! Maybe I should learn to truly take advantage of this fascinating technological device.
Research has been conducted using iPods as educational aids. You can now purchase iPods with recorders. These are great because you can rewind and fast forward easily through lectures. "Middle school students can write a radio drama based on a
historical event or period and then record the radio shows using an iPod and voice recorder and then podcast the radio shows to others over the internet. High school students can conduct oral histories with a family member using iPod and voice recorder. Special education students can use video iPods when taking tests"
Duke University conducted an experiment by providing their first year college students with iPods. The academic uses of iPod devises by faculty at Duke fell into five major categories:
1. Course content dissemination tool
2. Classroom recording tool
3. Field recording tool
4. Study support tool
5. File storage and transfer
I think that iPods can be very useful aids, and there is obviously research proving that. However, I do not think that they should be required or even advertised for that purpose until there is more resources for educational purposes through iPods available.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
iTunes University
iTunes U is a free online source of educational information from top Universities around the world, among other places. It offers a wide variety of information available to absolutely anyone; not just students. This site can be used in so many different ways. One of its biggest benefits is that it is college information that anyone can access for free. This is huge! "That means those whose budget won't stretch to a two-year MBA can simulate the experience at home, at work, in the gym or anywhere else they choose. And even better for money-conscious learners, the iTunes U content can all be downloaded free of charge" (
iTunes U is helpful for students in college and teachers at any level too. "Today’s students expect constant access to information in the classroom and beyond. Which is why more and more faculty are using iTunes U to distribute digital lessons to their students" ( It is nice as a college student to gain information from places other than the classroom and to receive the information you are learning in more than one way. The fact that it is free is even more beneficial to students who are already in college. Also, teachers can use this site to find multiple ways to teach the subject matter and better relate to many different students. I think that this is an amazing thing that Apple created!
Dr. Christie's GPS and Geocaching for Educators
I think that GPS and Geocaching can be useful for teachers in many different ways. First, the GPS can be used in multiple subjects. This makes it easy for pretty much all teachers in almost every subject to use this fast growing technological device. Dr. Christie provides information regarding which GPS schools should purchase. If the school system knows how to purchase the products more teachers and more students will get to use this exceptional technological tool. GPS systems can be used in math in lessons regarding money, and budgets. In science to engage in the scientific process involved in working with the GPS. Students and teachers will develop more effective skills in problem solving and collaborating with others to explore and explain the world around them.
Also, using the Geocaching game is a fun, new, and exciting way for students to learn. Instead of simply reading books and listening to the teacher explain the subject matter, using the game gets students out of the classroom and out into the world without ever leaving campus. The Geocaching game helps students develop the practical and critical thinking skills required to better understand the world around them. All teachers can use this technological game to engage their students and help take them to new levels of learning.
Mr. McClung's Blog
I think that Mr. McClung's blog was extremely helpful. Some of my teachers have already told me a lot of the things he mentioned he learned in his first year; like reading the crowd, and adjusting lesson plans for each new class. Mr. McClung also says that many teachers are so focused on delivery of the content that they forget to check for student comprehension. I think that this is a very common error. It seems that the more we question why kids are failing in schools; the answer is because the information is not being presented to them in the most comprehensible way. I also agree with Mr. McClung when he says that teachers should be flexible. Kids are very unpredictable and teachers may have to adjust their lesson plans often. They should be able to do this without any problems. I think that the most effective teachers get to know their students on personal levels and teach according to their specific class. I am glad that I already have an understanding of this and that Mr. McClung reinforced the importance of it in the blog he wrote. Mr. McClung's blog was very informative and I plan to revisit it in the future.
Wikipedia... friend of foe?
Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that can be edited by absolutely anyone. It also happens to usually be the first source that comes up with an answer for your online searches, especially when using Google. This says nothing negative about Google; I am a HUGE fan of Google and I Google something everyday! But the fact that anyone can go on to Wikipedia and write anything they chose under a certain topic makes me feel that it can not be a trusted source at all. On the other hand there are usually links going back to the original source where the information came from to back up the facts. If you can follow the links that are usually provided and prove the information on the site is in fact true, than I think Wikipedia is a great source. But I personally think that takes a lot of extra time.
Things are improving for Wikipedia though! There is now a program called WIRE/ Wikipedia scanner that locates anonymous internet IP addresses so that the source of the person who edited the post can be known. I do think that with careful surveillance of the Wikipedia website and scanning of the entries Wikipedia is can be an excellent source.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture.
This lecture is one of the most heart touching things I have ever watched. It reminds me of the television show Extreme Home Makeover; Because like that show by the end of Randy Pausch's lecture you can not help but to feel so much love and sympathy for this man, just like I ALWAYS feel for the family's on the television show. Watching this lecture made me cry. It is always very hard for me to watch such good people like Mr. Pausch die. I hate cancer it is not fair and definitely should not be allowed to take such good people out of this world.
You can tell that this man had a lot of hopes and dreams as a child, as he goes over many of them in his lecture. It is sad to think that he is dying and that he did not get to accomplish all of the things he wanted to in his life. Although, my personal opinion is that he got to accomplish much more. I mean, all of the people that knew him, and so many million of others that didn't can listen to his inspirational words even now that he is gone. I think that if you can make an impact on somebody's life than you have accomplished more than most people would in 80 years.
I think that he knew this too. He goes over who can impact a person's life the most, especially a child's/student's, and tells how to do that efficiently. He knew the impact of influence adults have on children and how anyone that holds that title should embrace it. As a future educator I will take his words into account and do the best I can to help children achieve their dreams.
Just from this one lecture, even though I previously knew nothing about the man, he has inspired me so much. I feel so terrible that he died at an early age, and had to leave his small children behind. The worst part of this entire lecture was at the end when he said that this was for his children. That seriously broke my heart. But hopefully his children will help carry out their father's dream, and I hope that many others, especially teachers will too.
Monday, September 14, 2009
"Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?"
This is a very strongly put, opinionated post. However, even though I was somewhat offended when I first started reading it, by the time I finished I felt that I could really relate to what the author was saying. Even though his approach probably turns most readers off from the very beginning he makes a very good point.
If technology is a part of the teaching field, then teachers need to be technologically literate. All work fields require in service training, why should teaching be any different? Veteran teachers can not teach the same things the same way for the entire twenty years they are teachers. Simply playing dumb to technological advances is not OK, especially not in a field where learning is so important.
If technology is a part of the teaching field, then teachers need to be technologically literate. All work fields require in service training, why should teaching be any different? Veteran teachers can not teach the same things the same way for the entire twenty years they are teachers. Simply playing dumb to technological advances is not OK, especially not in a field where learning is so important.
"It's Not About The Technology"
This is a great post. I wish there was more people in the teaching profession that shared Mrs. Hines passion. Knowing that teaching comes from so many different aspects is something that every teacher needs to be completely aware of. A teacher can not simply rely on technology to do their job for them. And the teachers need to keep in mind the basics of teaching that were intact long before there were so many technological advances.
Mrs. Hines makes four excellent points that every teacher needs to remember:
1. Teachers must be learners
2. Learning and Teaching Are Not The Same Thing
3. Technology is Useless Without Good Teaching
4. Be a 21st Century Teacher without the technology.
Although there are many others these four points are essential to good teaching and every teacher (new or old) needs to always keep them in mind.
Mrs. Hines makes four excellent points that every teacher needs to remember:
1. Teachers must be learners
2. Learning and Teaching Are Not The Same Thing
3. Technology is Useless Without Good Teaching
4. Be a 21st Century Teacher without the technology.
Although there are many others these four points are essential to good teaching and every teacher (new or old) needs to always keep them in mind.
"A Vision Of Students Today"
I really liked this video! At first I was not sure what to think of the way the video was produced, but once I started watching it I actually really enjoyed it. I would changed a few things like in the beginning a some of the images were blurry and hard to read. I think that the students holding up the images that related to them had a strong impact.
I feel like this video relates very closely to my college experience. Between classes, and driving to class, on top of studying and doing homework it leaves very little time for anything else. Being twenty one years old and trying to have fun and grow up all at the same time there are a lot of other things going on in my life that I need time for. I also found it very interesting how much time is used on technology compared to class time. This video really gives you a lot to think about.
I feel like this video relates very closely to my college experience. Between classes, and driving to class, on top of studying and doing homework it leaves very little time for anything else. Being twenty one years old and trying to have fun and grow up all at the same time there are a lot of other things going on in my life that I need time for. I also found it very interesting how much time is used on technology compared to class time. This video really gives you a lot to think about.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Producing A Podcast
This link was extremely helpful! It was very clear and straight to the point which is definitely a preference of mine. I know when it is my turn to make a podcast I will be using this link. It looks like it tells you everything you need to know to critique your own podcast before posting it; even if you are not a professional.
I also like this post because I feel like the dislikes I had in the videocast produced by Dr. Strange's previous students are all things he listed in his blog. He tells you how to focus your thoughts and how to animate your voice. That was one of the main things I failed to see in the videocast I watched. Also I love that he put in examples from his own students. What is even more amazing is that his students are kindergartners! Who would have thought that five year-olds could be so smart!
I also like this post because I feel like the dislikes I had in the videocast produced by Dr. Strange's previous students are all things he listed in his blog. He tells you how to focus your thoughts and how to animate your voice. That was one of the main things I failed to see in the videocast I watched. Also I love that he put in examples from his own students. What is even more amazing is that his students are kindergartners! Who would have thought that five year-olds could be so smart!
Videocast of The Technoligically Literate Teacher
I hated this! Seriously, I waited over twenty minutes and watched maybe a minute and a half of the video and that was all I could take. It would not load right, maybe it is my computer or maybe it is the operator, I am not sure but I could not handle anymore! It would stop and I would press play and it would play five seconds then stop again, so I would press play and it would start over! Then I decided not to press play and just wait and nothing happened at all then!
Now I got that out of my system, from what I did see of the video I was not very impressed. The music at the beginning was very boring and did not capture my attention at all. Then once the people in the video started talking they were very lifeless and not enthusiastic. No one was even looking at the camera, granted that it was a discussion but the camera would hence an audience and this audience was very bored.
Now I got that out of my system, from what I did see of the video I was not very impressed. The music at the beginning was very boring and did not capture my attention at all. Then once the people in the video started talking they were very lifeless and not enthusiastic. No one was even looking at the camera, granted that it was a discussion but the camera would hence an audience and this audience was very bored.
Comments 4 Kids
I really like this project! It is so interesting to see what teachers are doing in the classroom and how students are responding to their teaching methods! It seems like letting kids do a lot of different activities on the computer is a great way to keep them motivated and participating actively in school.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Comment On Video In The Classroom...
I think this video shares a lot of information. I completely agree that children who are falling behind need the most help. It is great that educators are coming up with multiple ways to help these kids. I would not have thought that videos could help so much!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Technology never seizes to amaze me! I have always considered myself to be pretty in touch with the ever changing world of technology, and very good with computers; however I am finding out more and more that technology is so much more advanced than I am. I guess I was only on the surface of technology, exploring iTunes more thoroughly and experiencing what all it has to offer is incredible!
Podcasts are such an excellent resource tool. Who would have thought there was so much useful information offered all in one place? I know I didn’t! Exploring podcasts further made it very clear to see how teachers who are knowledgeable in the field of technology can help advance their students very easily as well. Podcasts are very easy to use, and since the KidCast post made it easy to see that most children are more technologically advanced than the majority of adults, podcasts could also be an excellent tool for them as well.
Also by watching the KidCast post it made it easier to see why teachers need to keep up with technology. If children understand it and use it on a daily basis then teachers need to be able to relate to that. Educators have a responsibility to better their students in every way they can. Using tools such as smartboards in the classrooms is a proficient way to help not only the students but also the teacher at the same time.
Having the ability to use the internet gives a person access to information all over the world. If you simply download programs such as iTunes than the information that is already so easily available nearly triples in extent. It is amazing the things a person can learn just by the simple click of the mouse. I feel very privileged to be able to access programs such as podcast to further my intelligence in so many different ways.
Podcasts are such an excellent resource tool. Who would have thought there was so much useful information offered all in one place? I know I didn’t! Exploring podcasts further made it very clear to see how teachers who are knowledgeable in the field of technology can help advance their students very easily as well. Podcasts are very easy to use, and since the KidCast post made it easy to see that most children are more technologically advanced than the majority of adults, podcasts could also be an excellent tool for them as well.
Also by watching the KidCast post it made it easier to see why teachers need to keep up with technology. If children understand it and use it on a daily basis then teachers need to be able to relate to that. Educators have a responsibility to better their students in every way they can. Using tools such as smartboards in the classrooms is a proficient way to help not only the students but also the teacher at the same time.
Having the ability to use the internet gives a person access to information all over the world. If you simply download programs such as iTunes than the information that is already so easily available nearly triples in extent. It is amazing the things a person can learn just by the simple click of the mouse. I feel very privileged to be able to access programs such as podcast to further my intelligence in so many different ways.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Digital Smarts
This video is my favorite of them all. I am an optimistic person and I really enjoy seeing the positive side of things. I think it is really eye opening to see the many possibilities that can be done with computers, internet, and technology in general. It is truly amazing to see students in everyday classrooms connecting with people all the way on the other side of the world. If every school system had this type of funding and was staffed with teachers that are so well qualified to teach these types of programs the opportunities would be unfathomable.
It does make a person slightly uneasy not knowing what the advancements in technology will contribute to the future, but it is somewhat comforting to see the good that is coming out of technological developments. Through this video it is easy to see how much more educators could be furnishing their students with. It is almost every teacher’s objective to offer as much to their students as they possibly can. Technology has the ability to give students a much deeper understanding of the world around them.
It does make a person slightly uneasy not knowing what the advancements in technology will contribute to the future, but it is somewhat comforting to see the good that is coming out of technological developments. Through this video it is easy to see how much more educators could be furnishing their students with. It is almost every teacher’s objective to offer as much to their students as they possibly can. Technology has the ability to give students a much deeper understanding of the world around them.
In the talk “The Importance of Creativity” it is apparent that there are more significant elements to the school system than just learning math, science, and language arts. There are many facets that make up the learning process. For educators to only focus on a few main components would be absurd. It is vitally important to develop all parts of the human brain; so it only makes sense that school subjects would consist of more than just science and math.
It has been said multiple times that it is a respected quality in a person to be well-rounded. Educators should provide their students with a more pertinent well-rounded education as well. Creativity in the classrooms should be something that is brought into a better focus. Without teaching students’ personality and bringing into light what they actually are made of; what are we really offering to them?
It has been said multiple times that it is a respected quality in a person to be well-rounded. Educators should provide their students with a more pertinent well-rounded education as well. Creativity in the classrooms should be something that is brought into a better focus. Without teaching students’ personality and bringing into light what they actually are made of; what are we really offering to them?
Did You Know?
From the “Did You Know 3.0” presentation it was easy to see that the world is changing at an incredibly fast rate. Technology is advancing at so fast a pace that humans can not keep up with it. The world is becoming so technologically advanced that mankind does not stand a chance. If technology is so advanced that humans do not have the brain capacity to operate it what good does it do?
The economy is decreasing in value and worth everyday. If technology is progressing faster than humans, then sooner or later there will not be any need for real employees at all. Technology is replacing more and more jobs each year. If this evolution keeps evolving what hope does that give anybody? There are millions of students working towards technical degrees; yet the information they gain is outdated before they even get close to graduation. Could it be that technology is to blame for the economical recession?
At the same time, the school system stays just as far behind in the technical advances of the world as it always has. In the presentation “Mr. Winkle Wakes” it is illustrated that the world has changed dramatically in the past one hundred years; yet the school is exactly the same. This is a problem in more than one way. It is a challenge keeping up with technology, but what happens when we fall completely behind?
If schools are not providing the adequate information in the technology department then how are they preparing students for the real world? Although it does not always appear that technology is the best advancement in the real world for the human race; what happens if humans fall completely behind? It is very important that the school systems stay in touch with technology and technological advances. Part of providing an education is preparing students for the real world; if students are not technologically developed then it is evident they will have difficulty succeeding.
The economy is decreasing in value and worth everyday. If technology is progressing faster than humans, then sooner or later there will not be any need for real employees at all. Technology is replacing more and more jobs each year. If this evolution keeps evolving what hope does that give anybody? There are millions of students working towards technical degrees; yet the information they gain is outdated before they even get close to graduation. Could it be that technology is to blame for the economical recession?
At the same time, the school system stays just as far behind in the technical advances of the world as it always has. In the presentation “Mr. Winkle Wakes” it is illustrated that the world has changed dramatically in the past one hundred years; yet the school is exactly the same. This is a problem in more than one way. It is a challenge keeping up with technology, but what happens when we fall completely behind?
If schools are not providing the adequate information in the technology department then how are they preparing students for the real world? Although it does not always appear that technology is the best advancement in the real world for the human race; what happens if humans fall completely behind? It is very important that the school systems stay in touch with technology and technological advances. Part of providing an education is preparing students for the real world; if students are not technologically developed then it is evident they will have difficulty succeeding.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
All About Tiffany :)
Hi! I’m Tiffany. I am from Foley, Alabama where I was born and still live today. Yes, I drive two hours every Monday through Friday to Mobile so that I can attend South. I am a secondary education/ language arts major. This is my sixth semester of college and I am pretty sure I still have four more left after this one. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Honestly, I want to be a teacher because it is the only thing I can see myself waking up and doing everyday. Of course I have heard that I might change my mind once I actually become a teacher but we shall see. I love children and I enjoy helping others so the classroom seems like the place for me.
In my free time I like to go bowling with my friends and my boyfriend. I love the beach and flip flops. I love to dance; it always makes me feel good. I love spending time with my family; they literally mean the world to me. I love babies, although I do not think I have the patience for them all of the time. I think I appear to be a girl who would always be with her four best friends, but I actually prefer to be by myself. I really enjoy my “me time”.
In my free time I like to go bowling with my friends and my boyfriend. I love the beach and flip flops. I love to dance; it always makes me feel good. I love spending time with my family; they literally mean the world to me. I love babies, although I do not think I have the patience for them all of the time. I think I appear to be a girl who would always be with her four best friends, but I actually prefer to be by myself. I really enjoy my “me time”.
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