Sunday, August 23, 2009

Did You Know?

From the “Did You Know 3.0” presentation it was easy to see that the world is changing at an incredibly fast rate. Technology is advancing at so fast a pace that humans can not keep up with it. The world is becoming so technologically advanced that mankind does not stand a chance. If technology is so advanced that humans do not have the brain capacity to operate it what good does it do?
The economy is decreasing in value and worth everyday. If technology is progressing faster than humans, then sooner or later there will not be any need for real employees at all. Technology is replacing more and more jobs each year. If this evolution keeps evolving what hope does that give anybody? There are millions of students working towards technical degrees; yet the information they gain is outdated before they even get close to graduation. Could it be that technology is to blame for the economical recession?
At the same time, the school system stays just as far behind in the technical advances of the world as it always has. In the presentation “Mr. Winkle Wakes” it is illustrated that the world has changed dramatically in the past one hundred years; yet the school is exactly the same. This is a problem in more than one way. It is a challenge keeping up with technology, but what happens when we fall completely behind?
If schools are not providing the adequate information in the technology department then how are they preparing students for the real world? Although it does not always appear that technology is the best advancement in the real world for the human race; what happens if humans fall completely behind? It is very important that the school systems stay in touch with technology and technological advances. Part of providing an education is preparing students for the real world; if students are not technologically developed then it is evident they will have difficulty succeeding.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... better tools make us better workers. Always has been the case. But you are worried that technology will replace humans. Really?
